Compliance Management Systems
Design, implementation and performance audit
Compliance Management Systems (CMS) are rules in financial and insurance operators. The trend of these mechanisms’ implementation is also noticeable in entities with foreign capital and in organisations with a strongly developed awareness of ethical business, integrity, transparency and international standards as ISO 19600 Compliance Management Systems and ISO 37001 Anti-bribery Management Systems. Nevertheless, all organisations operating on the market are exposed to the same types of risks. Moreover, it is the smaller entities that are based on a good reputation and stable functioning. CMS which is individually adjusted to the entity, effectively implemented, regularly evaluated and constantly improved provides every organisation with the reliable fuse – regardless of its legal form, size, structure and the scope of activity.
Clinic of Compliance offers preparation and operation of the following CMS segments:
- Code of Ethics / Code of Business Ethics
- Compliance Policy
- Anti-corruption Policy
- Gift Policy
- Due diligence Policy
- Whistleblowing Procedure
- Incident Management Policy
- Policy on handling donations, promotion and sponsoring measures
- Anti-Money Laundering, Combating the Financing of Terrorism and Know Your Client Policies
- Procedure for unannounced inspections
- Crisis-Response Policy
Compliance Management Systems – effective defence shield for Your organisation
Implement CMS and use compliance defense mechanism, which will allow collective entities to reduce or even refuse its liability under the condition, that the entity is provided with proper compliance procedures aiming at counteracting and detecting breaches
Comprehensive compliance services in one place
We won’t introduce an overregulation, which limit and inhabit operating activities of the organisation, on the contrary – CMS will support and dynamise Your business development